Program of the 140th ISIJ Meeting (October 1-3, 2000)

General Presentation Only(International Organized Session Program Included)

High Temperature Processes

Social Engineering of Iron and Steel Industry

Instrumentation, Control and System Engineering

Production and Utilization Technology

Microstructure and Properties of Materials

Process Evaluation and Material Characterization

Program of Discussion Session

Current Advance in Materials and Process, Vol.13 ,No.4

High Temperature Processes

001 The Shinseiko Project:a new environmentally friendly steel making process from scrap
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-1) H.Yamauchi… 772

002 Characteristics of scrap preheating by rotary kiln
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-2) H.Mori… 773

003 Analysis of heat trasfer phenomena in scrap preheating furnace
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-3) J.Nakagawa… 774

004 Construction and start-up of SSE- equipment
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-4) K.Yamashita… 775

005 Pilot test results of advanced electric furnance SSE-E
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-5) Y.Demoto… 776

006 Heat Characteristics of "E furnace"in SSE pilot plant Tests
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-6) Y.Ogawa… 777

007 Behavior of scrap melting by SSE E-furnace
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-7) T.Nakamura… 778

008 Pilot test results of fossil fuel based scrap melting furnace SSE-S
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-8) Y.Demoto… 779

009 Behavior of tin removal from tin-coated steel scrap in rotary kiln
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-9) I.Hoshikawa… 780

010 Analysis of scrap sticking phenomena at SSE shaft type scrap preheating furnace
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-10) H.Ueno… 781

011 Development of a steel scrap melting process by advanced cupola
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-11) Y.Takahachi… 782

012 Development of packed bed type scrap melting process based on layer by layer charging
   (Research of SSE Program in Shinseiko Process Forum-12) C.Kamijo… 783

013 Numerical simulation of the commercial scale P furnace by a mathematical model
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-13) Y.Ujisawa… 784

014 Feasibility study on the application of packed bed type steel scrap melting process
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-14) S.Takeuchi… 785

015 Dioxins formation and removal behavior during the scrap preheating
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-15) I.Sumi… 786

016 Exhaustion of Dioxins from the scrap melting furnace of SSE
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-16) H.Kitaguchi… 787

017 Exhaution of Dust from the scrap melting furnace of SSE
   (Research of SSE program in Sinseiko Process Forum-17) H.Kitaguchi… 788

018 Dust and organic compounds in the flue gas of a steelmaking furnace
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-18) J.P.Birat… 789

019 Feasible study of dust directrecycle to Electric Arc Furnace
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-19) H.Sasamoto… 790

020 The feasibility study of SSE program((Integrated system evaluation)in Shinseiko Project
   (Research of SSE program in Shinseiko Process Forum-20) H.Kobayashi… 791

021 Characteristics of dioxin homologues from sintering process of iron ores
   (Behavior of dioxins in the sintering process of iron ores-4) T.Aono… 792

022 Behavior of chlorine in the sintering process of iron ores
   (Behavior of dioxins in the sintering process of iron ores-5) T.Kawaguchi… 793

023 Effect of chlorine in the sinter mixture on dioxins concentration in the exhaust gas
   (Behavior of dioxins in the sintering process of iron ore-6) T.Kawaguchi… 794

024 Effect of the kind of carbonaceous materials on the amount of dioxins emission
   (Behavior of dioxins in the sintering process of iron ores-7) E.Kasai… 795

025 Measurement on the vertical distribution of dioxins and other elements by a quenching pot test
   (Behavior of dioxins in sintering process of iron ores-8) M.Nakano… 796

026 Classification of Brazilian iron ore based on their microstructure Y.Ito… 797

027 Reactive agglomeration of iron ore sinter with simultaneous rate processes of heat transfer and phase change J.Eguchi… 798

028 Development of new sintering method adding the low melting point additives T.Matsumura… 799

029 Behavior of CaO-Fe2O3 melt penetrating into fine ore layer J.Okazaki… 800

030 Influence of slag composition and distribution of pore diameter on sinter reducibility T.Yagi… 801

031 Reduction and melting behavior of low-SiO2 sinter K.Ichikawa… 802

032 Theory of the optimization for the layer height of the sintering process J.Shibata… 803

033 Operation of roller feeder equipment for controlling charge segregation of sinter feed K.Miyata… 804

034 Laboratory experiments of the hybrid magnetic segregation feeder for sinter mixture
   (Development of the magnetic segregation feeder at sintering machine-4) N.Oyama… 805

035 Plant experiments of the hybrid magnetic segregation feeder for sinter mixture
   (Development of the magnetic segregation feeder at sintering machine-5) T.Jinno… 806

036 New waste gas cleaning system of No.1 and No.2 sintering plant at Nagoya Works A.Umezu… 807

037 Improvement of heat recovery system of cooler waste gas at Kashima No.2 sintering plant T.Ookubo… 808

038 Current topics and future of computer simulation of solidification phenomena I..Ohnaka… 809

039 Analysis of microsegregation and eutectic reaction during solidification of ball-bearing steel T.Kato… 810

040 In-situ observation of phase transformation and MnS precipitation in Fe-Si Alloys by a confocal scanning laser microscope H.Hasegawa… 811

041 Effect of physical properties on local solidification time exponent to secondary dendrite arm spacing M.Ode… 812

042 Effect of casting conditions on the solidification structure
   (Prediction of solidification structure in continuous casting process-2) H.Harada… 813

043 Establishment of imposition technology of pulsative AC electromagnetic field in billet casting plant test at Muroran Works H.Shimakage… 814

044 Metallurgical effect of pulsative AC electromagnetic field in billet casting plant test at Muroran Works M.Tani… 815

045 EMC experiments by ultra-high-frequency EMF at Kobe No.4 CC T.Inoue… 816

046 Improvement of billet quality by ultra-high-frequency EMF at Kobe No.4 CC T.Inoue… 817

047 Influence of the gap and tilt between sensor head and meniscus on the velocity signal Y.Hiraga… 818

048 Measurement of meniscus flow velocity with electromagnetic sensor at Kure 2CCM Y.Hiraga… 819

049 Effect of mold structure on electromagnetic force for electromagnetic casting mold M.Fukuda… 820

050 Relationship between molten steel flow in CC mold and slab quality M.Suzuki… 821

051 Optimum steel flow profile in mold for high speed slab casting J.Kubota… 822

052 Shell strength versus mold friction in high speed casting M.M.Wolf… 823

053 Development of fluorine free mold powder for small size mold T.Omoto… 824

054 Analysis of crystallization of cuspidine in CaO-SiO2-CaF2 system by high temperature XRD T.Watanabe… 825

055 Effect of SiO2 and Al2O3 on reduction behavior of hematite pellet with CO at high temperature Y.Takahashi… 826

056 Effect of foreign oxides on the initial reduction stage of dense wustite T.Inami… 827

057 TEM observation of reduction of iron oxide by hydrogenion implantaion N.Isikawa… 828

058 Measurement of thermal properties of sinter with halogen flash method H.Mori… 829

059 Influence on DRI production with mixture of iron ore and coal under rapid heating
   (Production of direct reduced iron by sheet material inserting metallization method-2) M.Hoshi… 830

060 Comparison of sheet material with spherical material under heat carbon reduction
   (Production of direct reduced iron by sheet material inserting metallization method-3) C.Kamijo… 831

061 Effect of DRI quality on cost of molten steel produced with electric furnace Y.Sawa… 832

062 Reduction and melting experiments of mixture of fine iron ore and carbonaceous material with an electric furnace T.Yamamoto… 833

063 Reduction rate of iron ore fine with circulating fluidized bed Y.Takamoto… 834

064 Physical and chemical properties of iron carbide produced in fluidized beds K.Kunitomo… 835

065 Effect of impurities in the pellets on the Fe3C generation M.Egashira… 836

066 Production of iron carbide from limonite and its properties K.Matsubara… 837

067 Production of activated carbon and hydrogen by the pyrolysis of methane under the catalytic action of reduced iron in fluidized bed M.Hiura… 838

068 Prospect for innovative steelmaking process in the forthcoming century S.Hara… 839

069 Ideas for process control of inclusion characteristics during steelmaking P.Jonsson… 840

070 New methods of mixing between two liquid layers using lorentz force T.Kozuka… 841

071 Swirling flow control in immersion nozzle for CC process S.Yokoya… 842

072 A possibility for controlling steelmaking processes by sound wave application S.Komarov… 843

073 Behavior of bubbles attaching to and detaching from solid body of poor wettability Y.Mizuno… 844

074 Instability phenomena at bath surface induced by top lance gas injection T.Kumagai… 845

075 Model of hot metal desulfurization by powder injection Z..Zou… 846

076 Oxidation behavior of silicon and carbon in molten iron-carbon-silicon alloys with carbon dioxide H.O.Nakazato… 847

077 Application of capillarity of solid CaO to dephosphorization of hot metals T.Tanaka… 848

078 Reduction of CO2 in exhaust gas by carbonation of steelmaking slag T.Takahashi… 849

079 Vaporization behavior of NaF gas from mold flux Y.Kashiwaya… 850

080 Effect of temperature on bonding of blast furnace slag fine aggregate C.Shiraishi… 851

081 Recovery of iron and phosphorus from steelmaking slags by microwave carbotherimic reduction M.Guo… 852

082 Electrochemical reactions between Na 2O-SiO2 melts and thermal plasma Y.Nakada… 853

083 Improvement of grindability of granulated blast furnace slag H.Chiba… 854

084 Fundamental study on de-zincing from dusts by using a zone combustion process N.Takeuchi… 855

085 Investigation of seaweed-bed formation on large steelmaking slag blocks
   (Development of large carbonated steelmaking slag blocks-6) T.Isoo… 856

086 Crystllization of molded granite-base stone
   (Fundamental study of artificial stone product-2) M.Ueda… 857

087 Slow-release potassium silicate Fertilizer produced with steelmaking slag
   (Development of slow-release potassium silicate fertilizer with steelmaking slag-1) Y.Yao… 858

088 Properties of slow-release potassium silicate fertilizer produced with steelmaking slag
   (Development of slow-release potassium silicate fertilizer with steelmaking slag-2) K.Watanabe… 859

089 Dissolution behavior of elements from hot metal dephosphorization slag T.Futatsuka… 860

090 Wet process for recycling scrap steels:Removal and recovery of zinc and copper 90 T.Tsuru… 861

091 Inhibition mechanism of dusting on stainless steel slag with additive B2O3 N..Sakamoto… 862

092 Effect of packed particles on collective characteristics of packed bed type filter R..Takehama… 863

093 Structure and characterization of combustion-synthesized agglomerate of iron ore 93 K.Takahashi… 864

094 Combustion synthesis between Fe3(PO4)2•8H2O and Al Y.Shoji… 865

095 Dephosphorization in high carbon iron melts by CaO-based slag T.Sato… 866

096 Introduction of a high efficient hot metal pretreatment process K.Shin… 867

097 Application of LD slag and dephosphorization behavior in hot-metal dephoshorization T.Ueyama… 868

098 Desulfurization of hot metal by magnesium vapor in-situ produced by aluminothermic reduction of magnesia-2 J.Yang… 869

099 Kinetic analysis of desulfurization of hot metal by magnesium vapor in-situ produced by aluminothermic reduction of magnesia J.Yang… 870

100 Development of multi-function water-cooled-lance for electric arc furnace K.Hayashida… 871

101 Fundamental tests on the optimum cooling condition of CB bottom blowing tuyere T.Yamazaki… 872

102 Development of low spitting lance for top and bottom blowing BOF Y.Tago… 873

103 Deformation analysis of converter shell(estimation of renewal time by deformation analysis) M.Kawagoe… 874

104 Effect of pressure on the rate of molten steel dehydrogemation S.Mukawa… 875

105 Inclusion formation in Al killed steel by ladle slags containing FeO and MnO T.Nishi… 876

106 Behavior of compositions of CaO-Al2O3 -CaS inclusion with Ca addition T.Murai… 877

107 Improvement of desulfurization at ladle furnace D.Takahashi… 878

108 Mixing time in RH degassing vessel with multi-legs K.Uehara… 879

109 Reduction at the treatment time of Fukuyama No.2 RH degasser Y.Nakamura… 880

110 Desulfurization reaction with CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-CaF2-MgO satd.based slag S.C.Shim… 881

111 Effect of oxygen content of steel and composition of deoxidizing alloy on inclusion diameter at deoxidization H.Yamamura… 882

112 Effect of Slag composition on Mg content in REM added high Al containing stainless steel melt 112 J.Katsuki… 883

113 Production of low carbon and nitrogen stainless steel in AOD-LVD process T.Kaneko… 884

114 Application of MgO-C brink to VOD ladle T.Takahashi… 885

115 Construction of injection lance shop K.Shimodaira… 886

116 High productibity operation at Mizushima No..3 blast furnace Y.Akiyama… 887

117 Blow-in operation of Nagoya No.3 blast furnace K.Yoshino… 888

118 Optimaization of changing condition at Fukuyama No.2 blast furnnace M.Kuwabara… 889

119 Quantitative description of gas distribution pattern and corrective action rocedure for Kakogawa No.3 blast furnace K.Nozawa… 890

120 Behavior of burden discharging and distribution in time series A.Sato… 891

121 Estimation of ore::Coke distribution across the burden surface in a blast furnace P.Austin… 892

122 Evaluation of lower part permeability at high PCR using low strength coke A.Murao… 893

123 Influence of ore layer thickness on reduction degree of sinter T.Orimoto… 894

124 Numerical simulation on melting process of waste glass materials in multi smelter X.Zhang… 895

125 Reduction model of zinc and iron oxide in a coke packed bed furnace
   (Development of the smelting reduction process with a coke packed bed to recover zinc fromelectric arc furnace dust-5) N.Ishiwata… 896

126 Developement of shredder dust recycling process based on density separation with coal-tar bath H.Hiroha… 897

127 In-situ observation of oxide inclusion behavior on molten steel surface Y.Nabeshima… 898

128 The roles of Fe3+ and Al3+ ions on the structures of silicate melts M.Mohri… 899

129 Viscosity measurements and predictions of molten CaO-SiO2-Na2O and CaO-SiO2-K2O slags
   (Development of CaF2-free slags for metal refining- 1) Y.Kita… 900

130 An equation for the accurate prediction of the viscosities of blast furnace type slags and coal slags containing 15-30 mass% Al2O3 A.Handa… 901

131 Equations for accurate prediction of the viscosities of molten CaO-SiO2-Fe2O3 and CaO-SiO2-Fe2O3-Al2O3 slags T.Iida… 902

132 Effect pf CaF2 and MgO addition on sulphide capacities of CaO-Al2O3(-SiO2)slags T.Kubo… 903

133 Determination of the gibbs energy change of the reaction CaO+MgF2=CaF2+MgO by EMF
   measurements and re-evaluation of the gibbs energy of formation of CaO H.Tabata… 904

134 Thermodynamics for the CaF2-CaO-P2O5 system S.Ueda… 905

135 Phase equilibria for the Al2O3-SiO2-TiOx system M.Ohta… 906

136 Thermodynamics for inclusions of the MnO-SiO2-Cr2O3 system T.Kayukawa… 907

137 Equilibrium of chromium and oxygen in liquid Fe-Cr alloy with FeO•Cr2O3 solid solution T.Nagasaka… 908

138 Activities of MnO in the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-MnO slags M.Miwa… 909

139 Activities of phosphorus in liquid Co-P alloys saturated with solid Co M.Hasegawa… 910

140 Measurement of zinc vapor pressure of the 1 intermetallic phase in the Fe-Zn system K.Mita… 911

141 Phase equilibria in NaCl-KCl-ZnCl2-ZnO oxychloride system T.Nagasaka… 912

142 Effect of amphoteric oxide content on oxidation-reduction equilibria for Fe and Cu couples in multi- component oxide melts
   (Oxidation-teduction rquilibria for Fe and Cu couples in multi-component oxide melts-1) A.Fukuoka… 913

143 Temperature dependence of oxidation-reduction equilibria for Cu in multi-component oxide melts
   (Oxidation-reduction equilibria for Fe and Cu couples in multi- component oxide melts-2) E.Yasuda… 914

144 The effect of applying a high magnetic field on strength of carbon fibers in carbonization process M.Sung… 915

145 The change of crystal orientations in nickel electrodeposited films due to the change of a applied magnetic field Y.Ohtake… 916

146 Effect of imposition of a high magnetic field on crystal orientation in deposited films M.Tahashi… 917

147 Measurement of magnetic susceptibility of molten slags T.Nonoyama… 918

148 Effect of magnetic field on the coalescence and growth of carbonaceous mesophase spherules T.Torii… 919

149 Effect of liquid viscosity on the transient time for the completion of a standing compression wave excited
   by a high frequency electromagnetic force K.Takata… 920

150 Effect of static magnetic field application on mass transfer in slab continuous casting process B.Li… 921

151 Convection suppression for the oxygen gas inside a vertical cylinder due to the magnetizing force T.Tagawa… 922

152 The effect of magnetizing force on the buoyant convection of air in a vertical cylinder T.Tagawa… 923

153 Effect of Lorentz force on solidification phenomena under the imposition of intense magnetic field T.Ikeda… 924

154 Interaction between two nonconducting particles in DC electromagnetic force field N.Yoshikawa… 925

155 Development of alignment of dispersed materials in dispersion coating by use of magnetic field T.Yamada… 926

156 The study of softening and melting process at coals using in-situ NMR micro imaging method K.Saito… 927

157 Coal particle behavior in a continuous fluidized bed S.Suyama… 928

158 Developement of coal crushing method for CDQ coke K.Matsudaira… 929

159 Change of internal pressure in coke chamber during coal charging M.Fukuda… 930

160 Additional modification about automatic coke oven operation in NSC Oita Works K.Yamakuchi… 931

161 Development of coke oven operation support system-2 T.Itoh… 932

162 Behavior of coke abrasion after CO2 reaction H.Fujimoto… 933

163 Effects of Ro variance in blended coal on coke quality T.Tomooka… 934

164 Interaction of coal constituents during thermoplastic state of coal T.Yoshida… 935

165 Effect of plastic addition on the caking property of coal S.Nomura… 936

166 Development of waste plastics recycling process using the coke oven K.Kato… 937

167 The state of rrts on "Oxides Metallurgy"in steels S.Mizoguchi… 938

168 Present and future research on broom and billet caster M.Kokita… 939

169 Decrease in center porosity of 13%Cr steel with soft reduction K.Tanaka… 940

170 Manufacturing of B containing 12%Cr steel large ingots by electro-slag-hottopping K.Morinaka… 941

171 A perspective of research on segregation in continuously-cast slabs Y.Ueshima… 942

172 Internal reduction efficiency of continuously cast strand with liquid core Y.Itoh… 943

173 Results of cold rolling of medium thick continuous casting slabs M.Hara… 944

174 Prospect of the research concerned with secondary cooling in continuous casting S.Itoyama… 945

175 Renovation and start-up of No.1 slab caster at Nagoya Works K.Takase… 946

176 Refreshment and operation of Yawata No1 caster 1st strand
   (Refreshment of No1 continuous caster 1st strand at Yawata Works-1)6 T.Honda… 947

177 High quality casting technology of high carbon steel at Yawata No1 caster 1st strand
   (Refreshment of No1 continuous caster 1st strand at Yawata Works-2) Y.Inami… 948

178 Sate of the art and prospect of the research on electro-magnetic processing in continuous casting K.Takatani… 949

179 Application of quick response solenoid valves to hydraulic oscillation system H.Ikuta… 950

180 Replacement of No.3 CCM control system at Chiba Works M.Takashi… 951

181 Analysis of Si transfer in blast furnace with high coal injection S.Mori… 952

182 Effects of liquid physical properties on liquid glow at lower part of blast furnace M.Li… 953

183 Gas, solid and liquid movement characteristics in two-dimensional cold model for the dripping zone of a blast furnace
   (Influence of initial conditions with dry and wet packed beds on liquid hold-ups) Z.Liu… 954

184 Development of automatic thermal control system at No..6 blast furnace at Chiba Works M.Takahata… 955

185 Heat transfer and thermal conduction coefficient of falf-solidification layer Z.Shen… 956

186 Numerical analysis of temperature transition in a blast furnace deadman T.Nishimura… 957

187 Numerical analysis on unsteady heat transfer of lower part of blast furnace by divided region model Y.Kashihara… 958

188 Three-dimensional blast furnace mathematical modeling based on multi-fluid theory Castro… 959

189 Analysis of transient blast furnace behavior by using a 3-D mathematical model Castro… 960

190 Effect of Iron addition on carbothermic reduction rate of magnesia T.Goto… 961

191 Desulfurization of molten iron with in-situ produced magnesium vapor by dipping magnesia-aluminium compact K.Okumura… 962

192 Deoxidation rate of molten iron by titanium in a cold crucible S.Ide… 963

193 The kinetics of carburization of pure iron in CO-Ar gas mixtures at 1523K R.Asano… 964

194 Measurement of the reaction rate of nitrogen dissociation on the surface of solid iron alloys A.Matsui… 965

195 Removal of nitrogen from molten iron to slag phase by the additon of Al,Si or Ti D.Miyata… 966

196 Suppression of uneven flow in billet CC mold under off-centered entry nozzle by imposiong swirling motion on the nozzle flow M.Kaneko… 967

197 Alumina buildup behavior in the tundish nozzle during reoxidation of molten steel K.Sasai… 968

198 The influence of interfacial tension gradient on the behavior of the bubble and fine liquid particles in the liquid H.Segawa… 969

199 Numerical analysis of top blowing jet I..Sumi… 970

200 Effects of wake flow on gas-liquid mass transfer T.Kumagai… 971

201 Particle imaging velocimetry measurement of flow velocity around immersion nozzle in continuous casting process J.Yoshida… 972

202 Mold powder entrapment caused by bubble rupture at slag-metal interface in continuous casting process J.Yoshida… 973

203 PIV measurement of establishment time in a bath agitated by plunging jet T.Shimizu… 974

204 Behavior of cavitation bubbles in ultrasonic fields S.Hatanaka… 975

205 Effect of process parameters on ultrasonic degassing of molten metal N.Kawakita… 976

206 Effect of acoustic cavitation on emulsification of two-phase liquids K.Yoshida… 977

207 Carburization and metal dusting of iron H.J.Grabke… 978

208 Carburization kinetics of reduced iron during its carbidization in CO-H2-H2O-H2S mixtures Y.Iguchi… 979

209 Synthesis of iron carbide from hematite pellets with H2-CH4 gas mixture M.Egashira… 980

210 Mechanism of carburizing followed by melting of iron by CO gas T.Murakami… 981

211 The kinetics of carburization of pure iron in CO-Ar mixtures at 1523K Y.Sasaki… 982

212 CPR pellet quality as affected by reductant reactivity R..C.Gupta… 983

213 Verification of FASTMETTM process application to dust recycling
   (Development of FASTMETTM process for commercial plant) H.Sugitatsu… 984

214 Production of direct reduced iron by sheet material inserting metallization method C.Kamijo… 985

215 New ironmaking technology for high quality iron production Y.Sawa… 986

216 Comparison of high temperature behavior of self-reducing pellets produced from iron ore with that of dust from sintering plant C.Takano… 987

217 Behavior of carbon bearing iron ore pellets submitted to microwave heating preliminary results M.B.Mourao… 988

218 Advanced processing of laterite ore as raw material for ironmaking
   (Reduction rate of cement-bonded laterite briquette with CO-CO2 gas) H.Purwanto… 989

Current Advance in Materials and Process, Vol.13 ,No.4

Social Engineering of Iron and Steel Industry

219 An issue on dioxin emission in metal production industries T.Nakamura… 992

220 Formation behavior of PCDD/Fs during the heat treatment of PVC and copper oxide mixture E.Shibata… 993

221 An analysis on dioxins in the exhaust gas of the sintering machines of iron ores
   (Behavior of dioxins in the sintering process of iron ores-9) E.Kasai… 994

222 Dioxin control technology by dust direct recycle to electric arc furnace M.Yamada… 995

223 Outline of the project and study on the dioxins behavior in existing arc furnaces
   (Dioxins abatement technologies of arc furnace flue gas-1) S.Matsuoka… 996

224 Dioxins behaviors in the small test plant
   (Dioxins abatement technologies of arc furnace flue gas-2) K.Isakari… 997

225 Formation of dioxins from TCP/TCB by catalytic action of EAF dust
   (Dioxins abatement technologies of arc furnace flue gas-3) H.Sasamoto… 998

226 Behavior of dioxins at the bag filter
   (Dioxins abatement technologies of arc furnace flue gas-4) T.Okazaki… 999

227 Steel industry and new business scheme(Steel technology analysis-3) N.Miyashita… 1000

228 The competing power of iron and steel industry on environmental and social systems S.Naganawa… 1001

229 House material in circulation type society K.Nagai… 1002

230Analysis of steel scrap recycling for the sustainable development society K.Kakudate… 1003

231 10t/d recycling test from industrial sludge by smelting reduction
   (Development of recovery of metal containing values from industrial sludge-4) N.Ishiwata… 1004

232 Metallization degree of recovered zinc from industrial sludge by electric smelting reduction
   (Development of recovery of metal containing values from industrial sludge-5) K.Iwasaki… 1005

233 The effect of carbonizing temperature on properties of charcoal absorbent from waste wood
   (Synthetic utilization of waste wood by combination of smelting of metal-5) T.Kitamura… 1006

234 Development of the dust monitoring system by laser radar Y.Komeyama… 1007

Current Advance in Materials and Process, Vol.13 ,No.5

Instrumentation, Control and System Engineering

235 Model-based blast furnace heat control K.Asano… 1035

236 New process computer system of No.3 bloom caster in Mizushima Works Y.Wakatsuki… 1036

237 Construction and operation of automatic-seatlot-packageline T.Nakazawa… 1037

238 Development of breakout monitoring system in continuous casting process K.Y.Nam… 1038

239 Development of monitoring system for coil binding condition Y.Akechi… 1039

240 Microstructure evaluation by measurement of ultrasonic attenuation in plain carbon steels S.T.Hong… 1040

241 High sensitivity ultrasonic testing technique for minute defect of weld of pipe-1
   (High sensitivity inspection technique for flat defect) T.Hashimoto… 1041

242 High sensitivity ultrasonic testing technique for minute defect of weld of pipe-2
   (High precision weld bead position detector) Y.Matsufuji… 1042

243 Development of phased array ultrasonic testing system for angle beam testing H.Yamada… 1043

244 Development of inspection date gathering system in Chiba No.3 hot strip mill roll shop K.Yamamoto… 1044

245 Thermodymanic modeling of phase stability under irradiation and its applications K.Tsuchiya… 1045

246 Development of compound surface inspection technique H.Yokoyama… 1046

247 Improvement of automatic magnetic particle testing system for steel billets Y.Wasa… 1047

248 Detection of joints in endless hot rolled strips using linear phase filter T.Kodama… 1048

Current Advance in Materials and Process, Vol.13 ,No.5

Production and Utilization Tecnology

249 Formation of Goss orientation in low carbon steel by single-roll drive unidirectional shear rolling T.Sakai… 1050

250 Development of constitutive law of phase transformation
   (Prediction of residual stress of TMCP-steel plate-1) K.Tsutsumi… 1051

251 Prediction of residual stress by constitutive law of phase transformation
   (Prediction of residual stress of TMCP-steel-plate-2) K.Tsutsumi… 1052

252 Prediction of rolling force considering microstructural evolution in hot plate rolling M.K.Shim… 1053

253 Construction of a new continuous furnace
   (Application of regenerative burner system to a continuous furnace-1) H.Azuma… 1054

254 Performance of a new continuous furnace
   (Application of regenerative burner system to a continuous furnace-2) K.Suzuki… 1055

255 Outline of continuous finish-rolling at Oita Works S.Matsuo… 1056

256 Development of a 45kW laser welding system for continuous finish-rolling M.Kido… 1057

257 Manufacturing technology for light guage hot band galvanneal Y.Uchida… 1058

258 Analysis of phase transformation and cooling behaviour of hot strip on run-out table H.N.Han… 1059

259 Development of AICH CORMILL-system Y.Inoue… 1060

260 Improvement on quality and productivity for small diameter seamless mill H.Sato… 1061

261 Polygon formation behavior in hot stretch reducing of tubes T.Nagahama… 1062

262 Development of HF welding heat model by electro magnetic and heat conduction FEM T.Okabe… 1063

263 Effect which the strain path in tube-forming has on a forming limit K.Satoh… 1064

264 Developments and characteristics of CPC high speed steel work roll for cold rolling
   (Developments of CPC high speed steel work roll for cold rolling-1) M.Hashimoto… 1065

265 Tribological characteristics of CPC high speed steel materials for cold rolling rolls
   (Developments of CPC high speed steel work roll for cold rolling-2) T.Inoue… 1066

266 Actual using performances of CPC high speed steel work roll for cold rolling
   (Developments of CPC high speed steel work roll for cold rolling-3) M.Hashimoto… 1067

267 Application of high speed steel roll for large angle beams E.Yamashita… 1068

268 Wear resistance of plasma transferred arc deposited cobalt based cermets H.J.Kang… 1069

269 Developement of new cold rolling coolant for 4TM at Sakai Works K.Maeda… 1070

270 Rolling characteristics of titanium sheet rolled by vacuum mill T.Obata… 1071

271 Development of efficient industrial technology at annealing furnace applying regenerative heat exchange system K.Karube… 1072

272 Vibration reduction of hand-held grinder by applying vibration damping steel sheet M.Nakamura… 1073

Current Advance in Materials and Process, Vol.13 ,No.6

Microstructure and Properties of Materials

273 Effect of additive element on the environmental stability of passive films formed on Fe-18Cr alloys produced by Ion beam sputtering H.Umemura… 1160

274 Influence of oxidation on corrosion resistance of ferritic stainless steels J.Hirasawa… 1161

275 Development of high nitrogen Ni free austenitic stainless steel T.Koga… 1162

276 High cleanliness and deoxidation behavior in the creation of high nitrogen-bearing stainless steel by pressurized ESR method Y.Katada… 1163

277 Effect of coil grinding before cold rolling on the descalability of SUS304 T.Oshima… 1164

278 Influence of chromium content on microstructure of Fe-Cr alloy produced by nitrogen absorption at solid state M.Fujisawa… 1165

279 Influence of thermo-mechanical treatment on α/γ transformation in 16%Cr ferritic stainless steels H.Ota… 1166

280 Effect of heat treatment on delta-ferrite behavior in ER309 billet for welding rod 280 Y.Oikawa… 1167

281 Comparison of cast and hot strip textures and microstructures in austenitic stainless steels
   (Texture development in strip cast type 304 stainless steels- 1) S.Teraoka… 1168

282 The manufacture of 430S..steel wire rods by three roll planetary mill H.B.Chen… 1169

283 Effect of heat treatment on mechanical properties of Cu contained austenitic stainless steel S.Suzuki… 1170

284 Effect of Ni on strength and toughness of the precipitation hardening marthensitic stainless steel S.Isozaki… 1171

285 High-cycle fatigue properties of -ferrite-free austenitic stainless steels welds at cryogenic temperatures T.Yuri… 1172

286 Effect of test temperature on thermal fatigue properties of ferritic stainless steels M.Oku… 1173

287 Development of stainless steel for knives with superior cutting property K.Goto… 1174

288 Internal fracture from inclusions and matrix cracks
   (Ultra high- cycle fatigue properties of high strength steels-1) T.Abe… 1175

289 Effect of hydrogen embrittlement on internal fracture properties
   (Ultra high-cycle fatigue properties of high strength steels-2) T.Abe… 1176

290 Effect of hydrogen embrittlement on fatigue crack propagation properties
   (Ultra high-cycle fatigue properties of high strength steels-3) E.Tkeuchi… 1177

291 Ultra high cycle fatigue properties of high strength tempered martensitic structures with fine grain size
   (Ultra high-cycle fatigue properties for high strength steel-4) T.Sawai… 1178

292 Nanoscopic analysis of tempered-martensitic steels
   (Ultra high-cycle fatigue properties of high strength steels-5) H.Hirukawa… 1179

293 Nanoscopic analysis of high strength tempered martensitic structures with fine grain size
   (Ultra high-cycle fatigue properties for high strength steels-6) K.Miyahara… 1180

294 Evaluation of inclusion size(Ultra high- cycle fatigue properties for high strength steels-7) S.Matsuoka… 1181

295 Effect of hydrogen on fatigue property in high strength steel T.Obata… 1182

296 AFM observation of fatigue crack initiation in strengthened low carbon steels E.Abe… 1183

297 Fatigue properties of a low carbon ultrafine-grained steel T.Sawai… 1184

298 Effect of strengthening elements on fatigue limit of soft nitrided microalloyed steel
   (Development of high fatigue strength soft nitrided microalloyed steel-2) M.Kurita… 1185

299 Effect of hardness and residual stress on fatigue strength of carbonitrided steel M.Ishida… 1186

300 Fine ferrite formation from deformed austenite with different grain size S.Genda… 1187

301 Formation of nanocrystalline ferrite through heavy deformation Z.Liu… 1188

302 Effect of annealing on tensile properties of ultrafine-grained steels fabricated by grooved warm rolling A.Ohmori… 1189

303 A trial of repeated drawing of bundled steel wires and its microstructural evolution A.Matsuzaki… 1190

304 Effects on mechanical properties of fine grain steels through heavy deformation in α/γ dual region K.Makii… 1191

305 Improvement of superplasticity in hyperfine grained SUS304 M.Katoh… 1192

306 Mechanical properties of ultra-fine grained stainless steels consolidated by hot extrusion R.Ishibashi… 1193

307 Properties of ultra low carbon steel created by repeated shear deformation process and heated Y.Kimura… 1194

308 Microstructure and hardness change of nanocrystalline ferrite by aging Y.Aniya… 1195

309 Nitrongen content in steels and improvement of their toughness by fine microstructures T.Yamane… 1196

310 Utilization of impurities for ultrafine grain steels K.Nagai… 1197

311 Effect of cementite grain shape on work-hardening for a high carbon steel
   (Neutron diffraction study on deformation of a high carbon steel-1) Y.Tomota… 1198

312 Effect of drawing on deformation mechanism of a high carbon steel
   (Neutron diffraction study on deformation of a high carbon steel-2) Y.Tomota… 1199

313 Influence of alloying elements on the structure and properties of bulk cementite Z.Liu… 1200

314 Production of bulk cementite by ball mill-spark plasma sintering and its characterization M.Sawakami… 1201

315 Very initiatory grains on the progress of 2ry recrystallisation in 3%silicon iron-1 H.Homma… 1202

316 Computer simulation of the effect of inhibition drop rate on secondary recrystallization based
   on the statistical theory of grain growth in Fe-3%Si alloy Y.Ushigami… 1203

317 Effects of the prior microstructure to high temperature annealing on secondary recrystallization
   of conventional grain oriented electrical steels K.S.Han… 1204

318 Effect of magnesium chloride in the annealing separator on the formation of forsterite film in 3%Si-steel G.S.Choi… 1205

319 Magnetic properties of cold rolled 3% Si steel M.Komatsubara… 1206

320 Tribological studies on strain-induced grain growth M.Takashima… 1207

321 Effects of manufacturing conditions on magnetic properties of inner shields in color braun tubes K.H.Kim… 1208

322 Effects of the hydrogen content of the annealing atmosphere on 3.2%Si-1.2%Al containing non-oriented electrical steel B.B.Keun… 1209

323 Effect of {100}grains before cold rolling on primary recrystallized texture in grain-oriented Si-steel H.Toda… 1210

324 Decarburization by silicon oxides and {100}texture development in silicon steel sheets T.Tomita… 1211

325 Fine-grained doubly oriented silicon steel sheets via decarburization by silicon oxides N.Sano… 1212

326 Remarkable improvement in steam oxidation resistance due to the presence of S in high Cr ferritic steels M.Nakai… 1213

327 Property of steam grown oxide scale of high Cr ferritic steel Y.Hirayama… 1214

328 Behavior of oxidation with 13Cr-Ni overlaied alloy exposed to high temperature steam Y.Satoh… 1215

329 Changes in precipitates of modified 9Cr-1Mo steel during creep deformation at 923K K.Suzuki… 1216

330 Precipitates and precipitation site in creep-ruptured 9Cr-3W-3Co-V-Nb steel A.Sasada… 1217

331 Matrix substructure and precipitation behavior of Laves phase in Fe-Cr-Ni(-Nb)two phase alloys K.Yamamoto… 1218

332 Phase stability of the laves phase in high Cr heat resisting ferritic steels containing high level of W M.Kamiya… 1219

333 Effects of W and Co on the microstructure of precipitation strengthened 15Cr ferritic steel Y.Toda… 1220

334 Effect of thermomechanical heat treatment on creep characteristics of high Cr ferritic heat resistant steels H.Hasegawa… 1221

335 Effect of microstructural factors on creep characteristics of palladium added carbon-free martensitic alloys S.Muneki… 1222

336 Effect of microstructural factors on creep characteristics of chromium added carbon-free martensitic alloys S.Muneki… 1223

337 Application of the system free energy to predicting the microstructural change of high Cr ferritic steels Y.Murata… 1224

338 Effect of solute Mo and W on transient creep deformation of high-Cr ferritic steels Y.Kadoya… 1225

339 Effect of depletion of solute Mo on recovery rate of high-Cr ferritic steels M.Kondo… 1226

340 Interpretation of long-term creep behavior in martensitic steel using EBSP analysis Y.Hirakawa… 1227

341 Precipitate coarsening and creep deformation behavior in 9Cr-W ferritic steels T.Ohba… 1228

342 Back stress during creep deformation of 8Cr2WVTa steel M.Tamura… 1229

343 Applicability of modified θ projection method on evaluation of long-term creep strength properties of ferritic creep resistant steels H.Kushima… 1230

344 Effects of alloying elements on creep strength of precipitation strengthened 15Cr ferritic steel K.Seki… 1231

345 Creep rupture strength of several 9%%chromium ferritic steels with simulated HAZ heating M.Matsui… 1232

346 Measurement of plastic strain in steel pipe using Barkhausen Noise H.Sakamoto… 1233

347 Relationship between flow stress and true plastic strain:Description by work hardening rate as a function of true stress N.Tsuchida… 1234

348 Combining ultra-micro indentation tester and high resolution atomic force microscope N.Nagashima… 1235

349 Evaluation of indent topography by nanoindentation and high resolution AFM combined system K.Miyahara… 1236

350 Mechanism of toughening at low temperature by solute Cu in α-iron S.Junaidi… 1237

351 Effect of alloying elements on strength of cold-formed steel T.Hanyuda… 1238

352 Influence of prestrain on ductile-to-brittle transition behavior of chromium Y.Harada… 1239

353 Effects of triaxiality for ductility and size effects for fracture toughness in light alloys S.Kanamori… 1240

354 Spheroidizing phenomenon of Fe3C in hypo-eutectoid steel G.Kato… 1241

355 Effects of sulfide generation elements addition on toughness of ferrite-pearlite type microalloyed steels N.Tsunekage… 1242

356 Development of high fatigue strength and high machinability microalloyed steel S.Ohwaki… 1243

357 Effect of MnS morphology on chip disposability Y.Shindo… 1244

358 Microstructures of pearlite and mechanical properties in Fe-Al-C alloys S.Tsutsumi… 1245

359 Effect of heating temperature on precipitation behavior of cementite M.Suzuki… 1246

360 Effect of cementite decomposition on delamination in high carbon steel wire T.Tarui… 1247

361 Dominating cause of rolling contact wear in pearlitic steels and effects of carbon content on its dominating cause M.Ueda… 1248

362 Influence of microstructure and angle of attack on flaking and wear behavior in rail steels H.Yokoyama… 1249

363 Metallographic study on recrystallization and annealing twin formation in austenite E.Furubayashi… 1250

364 Grain boundary migration behaviour of Fe-Si solid solution bicrystal with Sb F.Yoshida… 1251

365 Simulation of grain growth by phase field method Y.Suwa… 1252

366 Effect of structural control of hot rolling and annealing on ridging in SUH409L steel Y.Koyama… 1253

367 Textures introduced by high-cross-angle cross rolling T.Hanamura… 1254

368 Texture formation of very thin TiN,TiCN and TiC films at incipient stage during plasma coating by use of EBSD method Y.Inokuti… 1255

369 Morphology of dross particles in molten Zn baths T.Arioka… 1256

370 Growth mechanism of dross particles in molten Zn baths T.Arioka… 1257

371 Effects of galvannealing condition on the properties of galvannealed layer M.B.Moon… 1258

372 Effects of coherency at interface between electrodeposited layer and substrate on deformation behaviors K.Nakai… 1259

373 Effects of pickling condition and carbon content of low carbon steel sheet on the morphology
   and crystal orientation of zinc electrodeposit Y.T.Jeon… 1260

374 Effects of electroplating conditions on Mg-contained electrogalvanizing for steel sheets K.Araga… 1261

375 Effect of Fe-Sn alloy on the weldability of lightly tin-coated steel T.Ochiai… 1262

376 Effect of boron in solution on n-value of boron-bearing Al-killed steel sheets Y.Funakawa… 1263

377 Development of IF steel with fine grain structure
   (Development of high strength IF cold-rolled steel sheet-1) F.Kitano… 1264

378 Development of 440MPa class galvannealed IF steel with fine grain structure
   (Developments of gigh strength cold- rolled steel sheet-2) K.Nakajima… 1265

379 Effect of C,Ti and Nb content on recrystallization behavior in precipitation hardening type cold-rolled high strength sheet steels K.Osawa… 1266

380 Formability of cold-colled low alloy TRIP sheet steels with annealed martensitic lath matrix A.Kanda… 1267

381 Effect of micro alloying of titanium on the transformation and recrystallisation behaviors of hot rolled sheet steels K.Okuda… 1268

382 Formability of low-alloyed high strength hot-rolled steel sheets containing retained austenite T.Saito… 1268

383 Effect of microstructure on elongation of high carbon steel sheet T.Fujita… 1270

384 Effects of carbon and sulfur contents on hot ductility of medium carbon steel T.Inoue… 1271

385 Hot workability and high temperature oxidation behavior in tin containing steel H.Sakai… 1272

386 Effect of film lamination on mechanical properties of steel sheet H.Murakami… 1273

387 Effect of r-value on press formability for cold-rolled steel sheet H.Kawabe… 1274

388 Effect of work hardening property on shape-fixability in hat draw-bending T.Katayama… 1275

389 Effect of strain-rate on flow stress in tension and compression of ultra low carbon mild steel N.Kojima… 1276

390 Impact properties of lazer welded steel sheets H.Yamamoto… 1277

391 Fatigue strength of arc welded joints of high strength steel T.Tomokiyo… 1278

392 Effects of material and coining condition on fatigue strength of high tensile strength steel sheet with a pierced hole M.Nakaya… 1279

393 Interaction between Mo and N in α-Fe K.Okamura… 1280

394 Volume and grain boundary dffusion in high purity Fe-50Cr alloy Y.Yamazaki… 1281

395 Coarsening behavior of B2-particles in Fe-Al-Co alloy K.Kodama… 1282

396 In-situ observation of precipitation of sulfide in Fe-Cr-S alloys H.Mitsui… 1283

397 Modelling alloy carbide sequence in low-alloy power plant steels N.Fujita… 1284

398 Precipitation behavior of TiC and ZrC during solidification and isothermal holding at 1400°C in Fe-0.20 mass%C-0.02 mass%P alloy A.O.Titov… 1285

399 Effects of dissolved M ((M=Ti,Zr,Nb)and cabides (TiC,ZrC)on solidification structure and austenite grain growth
   in Fe-0.20 mass%C-0.02 mass%P alloy A.O.Titov… 1286

400 Distribution of TiN and TiC particle precipitated during solidfication and isothermal holding H.Ohta… 1287

401 Control of TiN precipitation in Mg deoxidized steel H.Ohta… 1288

402 Characteristics of Inclusions and precipitates in low carbon steels S.Y.Lee… 1289

Crystallography of intragranular pearlite nucleated at ((MnS+VC)complex precipitate in austenite Z.Guo… 1290

404 Unidirectional pearlite transformation in eutectoid carbon steel K.Fujisawa… 1291

405 Grain growth behavior of ultra fine ferritic microstructure produced by dynamic austenite/ferrite transfomation J.S.Kim… 1292

406 Influence of deformation above Ar3 temperature on ferrite transformation K.K.Um… 1293

407 Effect of boron addition on γ→α transformation in an Fe-lowC-highCr alloy S.Kobayashi… 1294

408 Effect of microstructure on the texture development of water-cooled TMCP steel plates K.Fujiwara… 1295

409 Continuously cooled microstructure and creep rupture strength of low C-2.25Cr-1.6W-V-Nb steel N.Komai… 1296

410 Creep modeling for life evaluation of 9-12%Cr steels for fossil fuel power generation K.S.Park… 1297

411 Creep deformation behaviour and kinetic aspects of 9Cr-1Mo ferritic steel B.Choudhary… 1298

412 EBSP analysis of modified 9Cr-1Mo martensitic steel H.Nakashima… 1299

413 Effect of W on coarsening behavior of M23C6 type carbide in martensitic heat resistant steels M.Yoshizawa… 1300

414 Degradation of creep strength in welded joints of 9-12%Cr steels M.Matsui… 1301

415 Development of advanced chromium steels with respect to microstructure and structural stability P.Jaroslav… 1302

416 Accelerated coarsening of MX carbonitrides in 12%Cr steels during creep deformation M.Taneike… 1303

417 Creep properties affected by morphology of MX in high-Cr ferritic steels K.Yamada… 1304

418 Creep deformation and the corresponding microstructural evolution in high-Cr ferritic steels M.Igarashi… 1305

419 Stregthening mechanism of Cu bearing heat resistant martensitic steels Y.Futamura… 1306

420 Development of high strength 15Cr ferritic creep resistant steel K.Kimura… 1307

421 Static and dynamic fracture toughness of VN steel T.Handa… 1308

422 Effects of tempering temperature and Si on notch impact toughness behavior of 6%Ni-alloyed interstitial-free steel plate Y.Tokunaga… 1309

423 Effects of striker shape and material on measured load in instrumented charpy impact test S.Morita… 1310

424 Effects of striking edge and hammer geometry on charpy results T.Kunitake… 1311

425 Mechanical properties of MIG weld metal of austenitic stainless steel at low temperature
   (Low temperature materials used in WE-NET-12) H.Nakagawa… 1312

426 Manufacturing of CO2 laser weld joints of austenitic stainless steel thick plates and their tensile properties at cryogenic temperatures
   (Low temperature materials used in WE-NET-13) H.Fujii… 1313

427 Cryogenic toughness of CO2 laser weld metals of austenitic stainless steels
   (Low temperature materials used in WE-NET-14) T.Takahashi… 1314

428 Effect of hydrogen charging on fracture toughness obtained by small specimen of SUS304L steel weld at cryogenic temperature
   (Low temperature materials used in WE-NET-15) T.Ogata… 1315

429 Al3Ti Functionally graded coating on steels H.Kafuku… 1316

430 Development of thermal spraying as alternate to hard chrome plating K.Sonoya… 1317

431 Partial shot-lining process of metal foil using masking Y.Harada… 1318

432 Development of a dry film lubricating galvannealed steel with excellent press formability K.Higai… 1319

433 Effect of metal powder on conductivity and corrosion resistance of resin coated steel sheets S.K.Noh… 1320

434 A mechanism for improvement of anti-black patina property of chromate coating added nitrate ion T.Miyosi… 1321

435 Properties of various chromated 55wt%%Al- Zn coated steel sheets(2) T.Yamaji… 1322

436 Effect of silica for corrosion of non- - chromate treated galvanized steel S.Miyauchi… 1323

437 Effect of epoxyprimer property on durability of polyolefin coating Y.Harada… 1324

438 The effect of hardner contents in epoxy primer for adhesion strength of polyethylene coated M.Murase… 1325

439 Diameter dependence of corrosion rate of steel wire in alkaline NaCl solution S.Sakashita… 1326

440 Development of low chromium corrosion resistant steel for welded structural use H.Kimura… 1327

441 Effect of Mo content on localized corrosion resistance of highly N-bearing stainless steels
   (Development of stainless steel for seawater environment-6) M.Sagara… 1328

442 Improvement of corrosion resistance by reducing phosphor content in stainless steel S.Iwasaki… 1329

443 Atmospheric corrosion behavior of hot-dip aluminized stainless steel sheets F.Yoshizaki… 1330

444 In-situ measurement of atmospheric corrosion rate by the concentric ring type corrosion sensor
   (Atmospheric corrosion monitoring using AC impedance method-1) M.Yamamoto… 1331

445 In-situ measurement of atmospheric corrosion rate in each place of model structures
   (Atmospheric corrosion monitoring using AC impedance method-2) H.Katayama… 1332

446 The high temperature oxidation behavior and a prediction of degradation time of the microstructure
   of low pressure plasma sprayed MCrAlY coatings for gas turbines Y.Etori… 1333

447 Oxidation behavior of Fe-36%Ni bicrystals in air X.Guo… 1334

448 A mathematical model of mechanical property change of Cu-added steel during heat treatment H.Nakamura… 1335

449 Prediction of strength of materials from the transformation driving force M.Umemoto… 1336

450 Effect of strain on phase equilibria in thin films H.Ohtani… 1337

451 Analysis of the complex solute atmosphere round an edge dislocation and its dragging stress in Fe-Xi -Xs ternary alloys T.Abe… 1338

452 Design of Ti3Al+iAl alloys by the Cluster Variation Method H.Onodera… 1339

453 Dissolution behavior of the titanium scale by electrolysis in aqua solutions
   (Development of a new descaling process for titanium plates-1) H.Kita… 1340

454 Promoting effects on descaling titanium plates by electrolysis in nitric acid solution
   (Development of a new descaling process for titanium plates-2) S.Honda… 1341

455 Effect of heating atmospere on hardening layer in hot rolled strip of Ti-15V-3Cr-3Sn-3Al K.Takahashi… 1342

456 Mechanical properties of TIG weld joint of Ti-Fe-O-N alloy H.Fujii… 1343

457 Wear characteristics of surface treated biocompatible β-type titanium alloy in simulated body environment S.Nakamura… 1344

458 Dental precision castability of biocompatible β-type titanium alloy S.Yoshitani… 1345

459 Fretting fatigue properties of β-type titanium alloys for medical applications T.Yabunaka… 1346

460 Effect of Si content on the fatigue crack propagation properties of hot working die steels T.Fujii… 1347

461 Effect of silicon content on toughness of hot work Die steel-2 Y.Mukaida… 1348

462 Influence of asymmetrical temperature distribution on heat treatment distortion of cold working Die steel T.Shimizu… 1349

463 Distortion in service of a P/M high-speed steel
   (Development of a new precise Die steel for IC device molding-4) H.Takahashi… 1350

464 Effect of chromium content on heat treatment property of TiC-dispersed tool material Y.Shudo… 1351

465 High modulus steels produced by Ingot metallurgy
   (Development of boride- dispersed high modulus Steel-4) H.Ikehata… 1352

466 Hot-ductility of high modulus steels made by ingot metallurgy
   (Development of boride dispersed high modulus steel-5) Y.Nakajima… 1353

467 Microstructure of single crystal Ni- - based superalloy,PWA1480,serviced as 1st high pressure turbine blade N.Miura… 1354

468 The effect of etchant on area fraction of γ'phase in single crystal Ni- based superalloy, CMSX-4 A.Takahashi… 1355

469 Effect of crystal orientation on high temperature creep properties of single crystal Ni-based superalloy,CMSX-2-on[001]-[101] line J.Lee… 1356

470 SAGBO property of Ni base superalloy 706 T.Takahashi… 1357

471 Change in creep microstructures with stress in γ single phase Ni-20Cr alloy single crystal Y.Nakamoto… 1358

472 Stress dependence of creep microstructures in Ta added Ni-20Cr alloy single crystal T.Tanaka… 1359

473 Microstructure in Ti-48 at%Al PST crystal subjected to creep deformation S.Hirata… 1360

474 The role of α2 plate on creep of Ti-48Al-8Nb with fully lamellar structure M.Yoshida… 1361

475 Grain boundary precipitaion of SUS304 for long term creep in 723-823K M.Yamazaki… 1362

476 Long term creep- - rupture properties and microstructure of weld metal in a low carbon-medium nitrogen type 316 steel H.Hongo… 1363

477 Microstructural evolution and change in hardness during long-term creep of SUS 316 stainless steel M.Murata… 1364

478 Microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe-Mn-Cr-Al-C alloys strengthened by κ phase precipitation K.Handa… 1365

479 Manufacture and mechanical properties of 12%%Cr steel long blade for steam turbine M.Arai… 1366

480 Effect of Nb and Ti addition on material properties of 21/4 Cr-1Mo-V steel M.Yuga… 1367

481 Relation between mean interparticle spacing and non destructive creep damage parameter Y.Wada… 1368

482 The effect of long-term exposure on embrittlement and softening of high chromium heat resisitant steel R.Ishi… 1369

483 Ductile crack growth resistance in steels with different slip extension constraint Y.Shimomura… 1370

484 Appearance of critical deformation rate in hydrogen assisted embrittlement of hydrogen charged high strength steel S.Komazaki… 1371

485 Evaluation of the hydrogen embrittlement of high strength steels based on the weibull stress S.Takagi… 1372

486 Quantitative evaluation of grain boundary carbide in the tempered martensitic steels with different delayed fracture susceptibility M.Hayakawa… 1373

487 Evaluation of effect of solution pH and specimen roughness on delayed fracture by SSRT T.Nakayama… 1374

488 Evaluation of susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement of electrogalvanized bolt steel by SSRT F.Yuse… 1375

489 Development of protective plating to hold hydrogen in steel as an alternatefor cadmium plating W.Urushihara… 1376

490 Absorption and desorption behavior of diffusible hydrogen in steels under CCT condition Y.Namimura… 1377

491 Evaluation of effect of vanadium on delayed fracture of SCM440 steel by SSRT W.Urushihara… 1378

492 The behavior of hydrogen charged from the local region
   (Visualization of localized hydrogen in steels-2) S.Hatori… 1379

493 An increase in sensitivity of hydrogen microprint technique by Ni plating K.Ichitani… 1380

494 Distribution of hydrogen near a V-notch in low carbon steel
   (Visualization of hydrogen in steels with hydrogen microprint technique-5) A.Nagao… 1381

495 Acceleration of hydrogen absorption during cathodic reduction of passive film on Iron A.Nakajima… 1382

496 The diffusible hydrogen-based analysis of accelerated delayed fracture test results using full-scale structural bolts F.Nakasato… 1383

497 Effect of carbon on hydrogen trapping of dislocations
   (Analysis of hydrogen trapping in high tensile strength steel-1) T.Obata… 1384

498 Influence of carbide structures on hydrogen intrusion into high strength steel S.Sakashita… 1385

499 Creep deformation of heat-resistant ferrite steels studied by positron annihilation coincidence Doppler broadening method Y.Nagai… 1386

500 A new β+- γ coincidence positron lifetime spectrometer developed for in-situ studies of materials at high temperature M.Yuga… 1387

501 Application of positron annihilation measurement method on the fatigue damage analysis of a SUS316L steel K.Miyahara… 1388

502 Development of in-situ creep damage detector using the β+- γ coincidence lifetime spectrometer M.Yoshida… 1389

503 Stress dependence of creep microstructures in Ni-20Cr single crystals oriented at poles in standard stereo-triangle Y.Terada… 1390

504 Creep-Fatigue properties of base and welded joint for ferritic heat-resisting steels M.Kimura… 1391

505 Evaluation of creep-fatigue damage of 12%Cr stainless steel M.Yamashita… 1392

506 The effect of impurity elements on creep rupture properties of CrMoV rotor forging A.Fujita… 1393

Current Advance in Materials and Process, Vol.13 ,No.6

Process Evaluation and Material Characterization

507 Precision of Trump-elements analysis for steel by optical emission spectroscopy T.Kuroiwa… 1434

508 Analysis of electroplated nickel layer by the bias-current controlled R.F.glow discharge optical emission spectrometry N.Yamashita… 1435

509 Determination of trace elements in steels by ICP-MS coupled with the collection of laser-sampled particles T.Tanaka… 1436

510 Development of trace oxygen in steel and Iron after decontamination of sample surface by the inert gas fusion method K.Ito… 1437

511 Selective separation of selenium by bismuthiol �U- loaded resin and its application to iron and steel analysis K.Oguma… 1438

512 Rapid determination of copper in steel by electrolytic dissolution/stripping voltammetry K.Sitan… 1439

513 Size measurement of fine defects and inclusions in steel by ultrasonic testing T.Shiraiwa… 1440

514 Statistics of extremes analysis of 3D distribution of nonmetallic Inclusions S.Zhou… 1441

515 Weathering investigation of PVC coatings on iron sheets by the NMR-MOUSE K.Saito… 1442

516 Structural analysis of chloride in coal using NMR K.Kanehashi… 1443

517 Development of monitoring system for gasification reaction M.Nishifuji… 1444

518 High temperature FT-IR microscope spectrometry for analysis of coal in thermal decomposition process Y.Fujioka… 1445