Call for Papers ISIJ International Special Issue on“Emerging Technologies for the Ironmaking Process based on Active Carbon Recycling Energy System” (30/10/2013)

Call for Papers
ISIJ International, Special Issue on
“Emerging Technologies for the Ironmaking Process based on Active Carbon Recycling Energy System”

A special issue, “Emerging Technologies for the Ironmaking Process based on Active Carbon Recycling Energy System” is to be published in February, 2015.

Future ironmaking system needs remarkable reductions of cokes consumption and carbon dioxide emission.  The iACRES, Ironmaking Process based on Active Carbon Recycling Energy System, is the concept that realizes those reductions by carbon recycling in the system.  For the establishment of iACRES, it should be required carbon recycling technologies, carbon recycling and low-carbon ironmaking technologies, and process evaluation of iACRES.  Electrolysis and hydrogen reduction of carbon dioxide are required for carbon recycling.  New ironmaking processes accompanied with hydrogen utilization and waste heat recovery for carbon recycling and low-carbon ironmaking are also important.  Comprehensively feasibility evaluation of a set of iACRES and primary energy input is also a key subject.  This special issue aims to contribute on the future ironmaking system by combined with the latest research and review papers which relates with above research topics for establishment of iACRES.  The editors are heartily welcome your contributions.

The deadline for the submission of manuscripts is May 31, 2014. Manuscripts should be submitted via the following site in a style consistent with the “Instruction of Authors” and “Guide for the Preparation of a Manuscript” of ISIJ International. Authors wishing to submit review papers should contact to the following chief editor:

Associate Professor, Dr. Yukitaka Kato
Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors, Tokyo Institute of Technology
2-12-1-N1-22, Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, JAPAN
Phone/Fax +81-3-5734-2967

The manuscript should be submitted via ISIJ International online submission site on the following URL.

Administrative Office
Editorial Group, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
Tekko Kaikan (5F), 3-2-10 Nihonbashi Kayaba-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0025 Japan